30+ common Persian phrases for your trip to Persian-Speaking Countries

There’s no better way to elevate your adventures across the Persian-speaking world than by brushing up on your Farsi! Mastering a few key phrases will boost your confidence while navigating bustling bazaars in Iran, bargaining with friendly shopkeepers in Tajikistan, or connecting with locals in Afghanistan. This guide equips you with the essential Farsi phrases […]

Boost your vocabulary: Professions in Persian

Beyond Greetings: While mastering basic greetings is crucial, knowing how to talk about professions in Persian unlocks a whole new level of communication. It equips you to navigate workplace interactions with confidence, but also fuels those seemingly mundane “water cooler talks.” Whether it’s discussing career aspirations with a new friend, navigating a service encounter with

Salaam. Happy Nowruz! Celebrate with the Joy of Persian!

We at Joy of Persian extend a joyous Nowruz to you! As the fragrance of spring fills the air and a new year begins, we’re thrilled to celebrate with the official launch of our website. For the past year and a half, we’ve been diligently building a unique learning experience for Persian language and literature

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