Let’s Learn Persian Together! A2 – Autumn 2024

Start your Persian Journey with Joy of Persian's A2 course. Learn key concepts independently, then build speaking skills in live Zoom sessions. Fun, engaging & effective! Try the demo & Apply now.

Online From November 3, 2024 to December 22, 2024

Deadline: October 30, 2024

Price: €320

Early bird discount price: €

Early bird discount deadline: September 1, 2024

Apply Now!


Start your Persian Journey with Joy of Persian’s A2 course. Learn key concepts independently, then build speaking skills in live Zoom sessions. Fun, engaging & effective! Try the demo & Apply now.

Availability: Total tickets available: 12


Welcome back to “Joy of Persian”! We’re thrilled to continue your journey on the path to learn Persian and achieve fluency. This 4-week online workshop is designed specifically for learners with a basic foundation in Persian (A1 level). You’ve already mastered greetings, essential phrases, and basic vocabulary. Now, it’s time to expand your horizons and take your communication skills to the next level!

Transform Language Learning:

Traditional courses, even online, can feel isolated and passive. You learn, you memorize, but true fluency requires connection and practice. Our workshops flip the script!

  • Learn key concepts independently: Access our high-quality online courses to master the fundamentals at your own pace.
  • Practice and apply: Join live, interactive Zoom/Skype sessions to put your learning into action. Ask questions, engage in discussions, and receive personalized feedback from our experienced teachers.

This flipped classroom approach maximizes your learning potential. These live sessions follow a set schedule and duration, focusing on specific topics or general conversation practice.


Leila Seyedghasem, PhD.

Leila brings a deep passion for Persian culture and language to her role as Course Developer & Instructor. With a PhD from The University of Tehran and 9 years of teaching experience at italki, she is an expert in crafting engaging and effective learning experiences.

Driven by a belief in Persian’s rich literary heritage and global beauty, Leila authored textbooks now used in teaching centers worldwide. Her research background in linguistics further cements her expertise. She finds immense joy in fostering connections through language, welcoming you to embark on a captivating journey into the world of Persian.

This course is perfect for you if:

  • You can comfortably introduce yourself, ask and answer basic questions, and understand simple conversations.
  • You’re eager to learn more complex grammar structures and sentence patterns.
  • You want to broaden your vocabulary and discuss everyday topics with more confidence.
  • You’re ready to transition from basic communication to having engaging conversations in Persian.

Here’s what you’ll gain:

  • Confident Conversation: Build fluency by practicing real-life conversational scenarios, from ordering food to talking about hobbies.
  • Grammar Mastery: Solidify your understanding of fundamental grammar structures and expand your knowledge to more complex topics.
  • Enhanced Vocabulary: Learn new words and expressions to express yourself more accurately and confidently in various situations.
  • Interactive Learning: Gain access to interactive lessons, quizzes, and practice activities.



I think today was my 21st lesson with Leila! And I want to say I’m still as encouraged as I was during my very first lesson when Leila introduced the Persian alphabet to me! For me, Leila is a perfect teacher. Besides textbook material, Leila shares with me her own content made on various topics in audio and text format. Thus, we study formal language as well as colloqial language that Persians use in daily conversations. Another thing I’d like to mention is Leila’s true passion for teaching Persian. And that makes our lessons even more interesting and engaging. I…

Jesse Rosenberg

Leila is an outstanding teacher, experienced in all areas of instruction: conversation, grammar, and enough cultural background to help her students grasp the significance of what they’re learning. In addition to her skill and erudition, she also makes lessons very enjoyable! I strongly recommend her to anyone interested in studying Persian, at any level.


Leila is a wonderful teacher! Our conversations cover a wide variety of topics and we always have interesting discussions. More importantly, is she able to give very useful and detailed feedback and corrections without ever interrupting the flow of the conversation. Both my speaking and writing have improved leaps and bounds since studying with Leila. Unsurprisingly, as a lecturer in Persian Literature, Leila’s knowledge of Persian literature is second to none. Her lessons are ideal for the intermediate-advanced student who wants to delve into Persian culture and be exposed to a wide variety of challenging yet rewarding texts, from the…

Workshop Details:

  • Target Audience:
    • This workshop is designed specifically for learners with a basic foundation in Persian (A1 level). You’ve already mastered greetings, essential phrases, and basic vocabulary. Now, it’s time to expand your horizons and take your communication skills to the next level. Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate student, researcher, professor, or simply passionate about the language, this program offers valuable learning opportunities for all.
  • Dates: Sundays, November 3 – December 22, 2024 (8 sessions total).
    • A break for Thanksgiving weekend (November 29, 2024) may be considered based on the majority of applicants’ requests.
  • Time: 8:30 PM Istanbul Time (flexible based on applicant locations).
  • Duration: 16 hours of intensive Persian teaching (2 hours per session).
  • Structure:
    • Homework review and discussion
    • Reviewing two lessons
    • Interactive discussions and Q&A
  • Platform: All live sessions will be conducted on Zoom, ensuring a seamless and interactive learning experience.


Lessons and objectives
16. How much is that? آن چند است؟
– Asking the price of something using the phrases «این چنده؟» “How much is this?” and «اون چنده؟» “How much is that?”. – Using the question word «کدام / کدوم» “which” to find out one thing among several other things. – The answer to the question word «کدام» “which” with regard to “removal by analogy”. – Getting to know the words related to clothing. – Use of prepositions and adverbial phrases of place.
17. What do you like? شما چه دوست دارید؟
– Practicing positive and negative forms in the present tense. – Practicing the verb «می‌کنم». – Learning and practicing the pronouns “I, we, you (singular), and you (plural)”. – Description of people and objects.
18. What is your daily routine? روزانه چه کار می‌کنید؟
– Continuing to practice positive and negative forms in the present tense. – Learning and practicing the pronouns «او» “(s)he” and «آنها» “they”. – The preposition “با”, its practice and use. – Learning language situations including: waking up, daily work, saying goodbye. – Familiarity with “carpet” as one of the important elements of Iranian culture.
19. I have a headache! سرم درد می کند!
– Learning the situation of the doctor’s office and asking «چی شده؟» “What’s wrong?” and the answer using the pattern «… درد می‌کنه.» “… it hurts.” – Learning vocabulary related to body parts.
20. Let’s review (2) مرور کنیم! (۲)
– An overview of what has been taught from lesson 11 to lesson 19.
21. Come to the table! بیا پای تخته!
– Learning to construct the imperative verb. – Learning to make a negative verb. – Learning command and prohibition verbs in Persian sentences. – Learning the situation “at school”.
22. My family and I من و خانواده‌ام
– Statement of address. – Learning connected possessive pronouns. – Practicing the verbs «بودن، زندگی کردن» “to be, to live”. – Introducing yourself and your family.
23. It is too expensive / cheap! خیلی گران است! خیلی ارزان است!
– Learning exclamation sentences by «چه قدر …!» and «خیلی …» patterns. – Learning the «معرفه» definiteness vs «نکره» indefiniteness structures. – Learning different adjectives by expressing their opposites and describing their adjectives. – Practicing prepositions.
24. My sister is older than me. خواهرم از من بزرگتر است.
– Reviewing adjectives. – Learning comparative adjectives (construction and use). – Learning superlative adjective (construction and use). – Learning indirect imperative.
25. What season of the year is spring? بهار چندمین فصل سال است؟
– Learning ordinal numbers and ordinal adjectives. – Learning the seasons and months of the year. – Introduction to some cultural topics such as “Heft Sin” and “Yalda Night” ceremonies.
26. What are you doing? داری چه کار می‏‌کنی؟
– Learning the present progressive indicative tense («دارم کار می‌کنم» “I am working” and …). – Review of the spoken form of the learned structures. – Deepening the concept of family. – Cooperation in the family.
27. Can you fix it? می‌توانی درستش کنی؟
– Expressing being able or not being able to do something. – Learning the verb «توانستن» “Can” in spoken and written forms. – Learning the “bound object pronouns” concept. – Changing the position of some sentence structures in the spoken form. – Create context for learning the verb «باید» “should”.
28. What do you want to do? می‌خواهی چه کار کنی؟
– Learning the verb «خواستن» “to want”. – Reviewing and practicing subjunctive moods. – Reviewing related speech forms.
29. What should (s)he do? باید چه کار کند؟
– Learning the modal verb «باید» and reviewing obligatory subjunctive mood structures. – Learning the different meanings of obligation, worthiness, and … in the modal verb «باید».
30. Let’s review (3) مرور کنیم! (۳)
– An overview of what has been taught from lesson 21 to lesson 29.

So, are you ready to Learn Persian? Apply now!


Registered participants in this workshop will receive complimentary access to the following online course two weeks prior to the workshop start date.

Let’s Learn Persian! (A2)

Original price was: €250,00.Current price is: €200,00.

Placement: Crafting a personalized learning experience

To ensure the workshop provides the best possible learning experience for everyone, we conduct a brief assessment to place you in the right group for your current skill level. This personalized approach allows you to:

  • Maximize your learning: You’ll be surrounded by peers at your level, enabling deeper discussions and more focused practice.
  • Progress with confidence: Tailored learning ensures you grasp key concepts before moving on, boosting your confidence and motivation.
  • Connect with passion: Sharing your journey with like-minded individuals fosters a supportive community and keeps you excited about learning.

Here’s how the assessment works:

  1. Apply online: Simply fill out the application form on our website.
  2. Complete a personalized quiz: The instructor will send you a short quiz to gauge your current comprehension.
  3. Optional video conversation: This brief chat allows the instructor to understand your individual needs and learning goals better.

Based on these assessments, you’ll be placed in the most suitable group for your skill level. We may even create two separate groups to best cater to specific needs.

Once your evaluations are complete:

If you’re a good fit for the workshop, you’ll receive an acceptance email with instructions for finalizing your registration by paying the course fee.

What if I don’t qualify for this workshop?

No worries! We offer other options to start your Persian language journey:

Apply Now!

    We're thrilled you're interested in learning Persian with Joy of Persian! To help us tailor our workshops to your needs and create a supportive learning environment, kindly fill out this form completely. The information you provide will help us get to know you better and serve you more effectively.

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