✈️ Essential Persian Travel Phrases You Should Know

There’s no better way to elevate your adventures across the Persian-speaking world than by brushing up on your Farsi! Mastering a few key phrases will boost your confidence while navigating bustling bazaars in Iran, bargaining with friendly shopkeepers in Tajikistan, or connecting with locals in Afghanistan. This guide equips you with the essential Farsi phrases you’ll need to navigate your trip, no matter your destination.

Persian travel phrases

Farsi 101

You don’t have to be a Farsi scholar to have a fantastic time in Iran. It’s a vacation, so relax and enjoy using the Farsi you know – you’ll likely learn more along the way (you might be surprised how far beginner phrases can take you!).

The effort is what matters most. Using even a few Farsi words demonstrates your interest in the rich cultures of Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and even in Konya, Turkey, where Farsi is spoken by some residents and holds significance when visiting the Shrine of Rumi during Şeb-i Arûs (the Night of Union). It’s a beautiful way to connect with the mystical poet’s legacy.

Study smart, not hard. Focus on the most practical Farsi vocabulary and phrases, and don’t worry about perfect grammar. A handful of key words can open doors (literally and figuratively) during your trip!

Now that you’re pumped to sprinkle some Farsi into your travels, let’s dive into some essential phrases categorized by common situations you might encounter:

30+ common phrases for your trip to Persian-Speaking Countries


Good morningsobh bekheyrصبح بخیر
Good eveningasr bekheyrعصر بخیر
Excuse mebebākhshidببخشید
Thank youmoteshakkeramمتشکّرم
You’re welcomekhāhesh mikonamخواهش میکنم
Goodbyekhoda hāfezخداحافظ
Yesāre / baleآره / بله
Nona / kheyrنه / خیر
I am —.man — hastam (replace … with your name)من — هستم.

Asking for help

Do you speak English?engelisi baladid?انگلیسی بلدید؟
The bathroom, please?dastshuyi kojās?دستشویی کجاس؟
I’m sorry, I don’t understand.bebakhshid, nemifahmam.ببخشید، نمیفهمم.
I’m lost.man gom shodam.من گم شدم.

Getting around town

I want to go to —.mikhām beram —.میخوام برم —.
Where is —?— kojās?— کجاس؟
the museummuzeموزه
the stationistgāhایستگاه
— squaremeydune —میدون —

Ordering food

A table for (1 / 2 / 3 / 4).ye mize (ye / do / se / chār) nafare.یه میز (یه / دو / سه / چار) نفره.
I would like —.man — mikhām.من — می خوام.
I want another one.yeki dige ham mikhām.یکی دیگه هم میخوام.
The check, please.lotfan surat-hesāb ro biyārid.لطفاً صورت‌حساب رو بیارید.
pay by cash / credit cardnaghdi / bā kārtنقدی / با کارت
with / withoutbā / beduneبا / بدون
appetizerpish-ghazāپیش غذا


Where can I buy souvenirs?Az kojā mitunam soghāti bekharam?از کجا می تونم سوغاتی بخرم؟
How much is this?in chande?این چنده؟
How much does it cost?un chande?اون چنده؟
Do you have a discount? (Is there a discount?)takhfif dāre?تخفیف داره؟
I want another one.yeki dige ham mikhām.یکی دیگه هم میخوام.
It’s expensive.geroone.گرونه.
I will take this.ino bar mi‌dāram.اینو بر میدارم.


Could you take a picture of me please?mishe azam aks begirid ?میشه ازم عکس بگیرید؟
Does this place have Wi-Fi?injā vāyfāy dāre?اینجا وای فای داره؟
I need a proxy.proxy (filter-shekan) lāzem dāram.پروکسی (فیلترشکن) لازم دارم.

Notes for Staying Connected in Iran

Due to internet censorship in Iran, many popular websites and social media platforms like YouTube, Google Play Store, Instagram, and WhatsApp are inaccessible.

Here are some options to consider:
– Download a VPN before your trip: A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts your internet traffic and allows you to access blocked websites. Choose a reputable VPN service provider and download the app before you travel to Iran.
– Ask your Iranian friend or tour guide for help: They might be able to recommend reliable VPN services or alternative methods for accessing blocked websites.
Be prepared for limited internet access: Download maps, travel guides, and language translation apps beforehand for offline use. Explore alternative communication methods like local messaging apps if necessary.

Additional Considerations:
– Legality: While using a VPN isn’t necessarily illegal for tourists in Iran, regulations can be complex. It’s always best to research the latest information before your trip.
– Security: Use only reputable VPN services with strong security protocols to protect your data.
– Alternatives: Consider if offline resources and alternative communication methods will suffice for your needs.

The beginning of your journey with Persian

These key Persian travel phrases will open doors throughout Iran. However, the richness of the Farsi language extends far beyond these basics. To truly connect with the Iranian people and delve deeper into their culture, consider continuing your Farsi learning journey with Joy of Persian! We offer a variety of resources, from engaging blog posts like this to comprehensive online courses and workshops, all designed to make your Farsi learning experience fun and effective.

P.S. Looking for a fun and effective way to learn Farsi? While Duolingo doesn’t currently offer Persian lessons (yet!), Joy of Persian is here to help! We were inspired by their recent blog post on Italian travel phrases, and we wanted to create a similar resource for your Iranian adventure.

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