
Let’s Learn Persian! (A2)

Calling all ambitious Persian learners! 

Have you mastered the A1 level, and your appetite for Persian fluency is growing? Then brace yourself for A2 level, your gateway to intermediate Persian!

  • Expand your vocabulary with everyday expressions and advanced grammar structures.
  • Master sentence construction to express complex ideas with ease.
  • Boost your listening comprehension by immersing yourself in authentic audio materials.
  • Gain confidence to converse fluently on diverse topics.


Price: €250

Early bird discount price: €200

Early bird discount deadline: March 31, 2024

Original price was: €250,00.Current price is: €200,00.

Calling all ambitious Persian learners! 

Have you mastered the A1 level, and your appetite for Persian fluency is growing? Then brace yourself for A2 level, your gateway to intermediate Persian!

  • Expand your vocabulary with everyday expressions and advanced grammar structures.
  • Master sentence construction to express complex ideas with ease.
  • Boost your listening comprehension by immersing yourself in authentic audio materials.
  • Gain confidence to converse fluently on diverse topics.

Conquer Persian A2: Your Journey to Intermediate Persian

Have you mastered the A1 level, and your appetite for Persian fluency is growing? Then brace yourself for A2 level, your gateway to intermediate Persian!

This course is perfect for you if:

  • You can handle basic conversations but want to expand your vocabulary and grammar.
  • You aim to understand everyday Persian used in various contexts.
  • You desire to improve your pronunciation and fluency.

Here’s what you’ll gain:

  • Expand your vocabulary with everyday expressions and advanced grammar structures.
  • Master sentence construction to express complex ideas with ease.
  • Boost your listening comprehension by immersing yourself in authentic audio materials.
  • Gain confidence to converse fluently on diverse topics.
Lessons and objectives
16. How much is that? آن چند است؟
– Asking the price of something using the phrases «این چنده؟» “How much is this?” and «اون چنده؟» “How much is that?”. – Using the question word «کدام / کدوم» “which” to find out one thing among several other things. – The answer to the question word «کدام» “which” with regard to “removal by analogy”. – Getting to know the words related to clothing. – Use of prepositions and adverbial phrases of place.
17. What do you like? شما چه دوست دارید؟
– Practicing positive and negative forms in the present tense. – Practicing the verb «می‌کنم». – Learning and practicing the pronouns “I, we, you (singular), and you (plural)”. – Description of people and objects.
18. What is your daily routine? روزانه چه کار می‌کنید؟
– Continuing to practice positive and negative forms in the present tense. – Learning and practicing the pronouns «او» “(s)he” and «آنها» “they”. – The preposition “با”, its practice and use. – Learning language situations including: waking up, daily work, saying goodbye. – Familiarity with “carpet” as one of the important elements of Iranian culture.
19. I have a headache! سرم درد می کند!
– Learning the situation of the doctor’s office and asking «چی شده؟» “What’s wrong?” and the answer using the pattern «… درد می‌کنه.» “… it hurts.” – Learning vocabulary related to body parts.
20. Let’s review (2) مرور کنیم! (۲)
– An overview of what has been taught from lesson 11 to lesson 19.
21. Come to the table! بیا پای تخته!
– Learning to construct the imperative verb. – Learning to make a negative verb. – Learning command and prohibition verbs in Persian sentences. – Learning the situation “at school”.
22. My family and I من و خانواده‌ام
– Statement of address. – Learning connected possessive pronouns. – Practicing the verbs «بودن، زندگی کردن» “to be, to live”. – Introducing yourself and your family.
23. It is too expensive / cheap! خیلی گران است! خیلی ارزان است!
– Learning exclamation sentences by «چه قدر …!» and «خیلی …» patterns. – Learning the «معرفه» definiteness vs «نکره» indefiniteness structures. – Learning different adjectives by expressing their opposites and describing their adjectives. – Practicing prepositions.
24. My sister is older than me. خواهرم از من بزرگتر است.
– Reviewing adjectives. – Learning comparative adjectives (construction and use). – Learning superlative adjective (construction and use). – Learning indirect imperative.
25. What season of the year is spring? بهار چندمین فصل سال است؟
– Learning ordinal numbers and ordinal adjectives. – Learning the seasons and months of the year. – Introduction to some cultural topics such as “Heft Sin” and “Yalda Night” ceremonies.
26. What are you doing? داری چه کار می‏‌کنی؟
– Learning the present progressive indicative tense («دارم کار می‌کنم» “I am working” and …). – Review of the spoken form of the learned structures. – Deepening the concept of family. – Cooperation in the family.
27. Can you fix it? می‌توانی درستش کنی؟
– Expressing being able or not being able to do something. – Learning the verb «توانستن» “Can” in spoken and written forms. – Learning the “bound object pronouns” concept. – Changing the position of some sentence structures in the spoken form. – Create context for learning the verb «باید» “should”.
28. What do you want to do? می‌خواهی چه کار کنی؟
– Learning the verb «خواستن» “to want”. – Reviewing and practicing subjunctive moods. – Reviewing related speech forms.
29. What should (s)he do? باید چه کار کند؟
– Learning the modal verb «باید» and reviewing obligatory subjunctive mood structures. – Learning the different meanings of obligation, worthiness, and … in the modal verb «باید».
30. Let’s review (3) مرور کنیم! (۳)
– An overview of what has been taught from lesson 21 to lesson 29.

Don’t wait! This is your chance to break through the beginner barrier and transform your Persian skills. Invest in yourself today and conquer A2!

P.S. Have any questions? Feel free to contact us. Let’s unlock the magic of Persian together!

Remember, the only limit to your Persian fluency is your first step. Take it today!

The “Joy of Persian” Team

P.P.S. Share this message with your fellow Persian language enthusiasts and spread the word!


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