Lessons and objectives
16. How much is that? آن چند است؟
– Asking the price of something using the phrases «این چنده؟» “How much is this?” and «اون چنده؟» “How much is that?”.
– Using the question word «کدام / کدوم» “which” to find out one thing among several other things.
– The answer to the question word «کدام» “which” with regard to “removal by analogy”.
– Getting to know the words related to clothing.
– Use of prepositions and adverbial phrases of place.
17. What do you like? شما چه دوست دارید؟
– Practicing positive and negative forms in the present tense.
– Practicing the verb «میکنم».
– Learning and practicing the pronouns “I, we, you (singular), and you (plural)”.
– Description of people and objects.
18. What is your daily routine? روزانه چه کار میکنید؟
– Continuing to practice positive and negative forms in the present tense.
– Learning and practicing the pronouns «او» “(s)he” and «آنها» “they”.
– The preposition “با”, its practice and use.
– Learning language situations including: waking up, daily work, saying goodbye.
– Familiarity with “carpet” as one of the important elements of Iranian culture.
19. I have a headache! سرم درد می کند!
– Learning the situation of the doctor’s office and asking «چی شده؟» “What’s wrong?” and the answer using the pattern «… درد میکنه.» “… it hurts.”
– Learning vocabulary related to body parts.
20. Let’s review (2) مرور کنیم! (۲)
– An overview of what has been taught from lesson 11 to lesson 19.
21. Come to the board! بیا پای تخته!
– Learning to construct the imperative verb.
– Learning to make a negative verb.
– Learning command and prohibition verbs in Persian sentences.
– Learning the situation “at school”.
22. My family and I من و خانوادهام
– Statement of address.
– Learning connected possessive pronouns.
– Practicing the verbs «بودن، زندگی کردن» “to be, to live”.
– Introducing yourself and your family.
23. It is too expensive / cheap! خیلی گران است! خیلی ارزان است!
– Learning exclamation sentences by «چه قدر …!» and «خیلی …» patterns.
– Learning the «معرفه» definiteness vs «نکره» indefiniteness structures.
– Learning different adjectives by expressing their opposites and describing their adjectives.
– Practicing prepositions.
24. My sister is older than me. خواهرم از من بزرگتر است.
– Reviewing adjectives.
– Learning comparative adjectives (construction and use).
– Learning superlative adjective (construction and use).
– Learning indirect imperative.
25. What season of the year is spring? بهار چندمین فصل سال است؟
– Learning ordinal numbers and ordinal adjectives.
– Learning the seasons and months of the year.
– Introduction to some cultural topics such as “Heft Sin” and “Yalda Night” ceremonies.
26. What are you doing? داری چه کار میکنی؟
– Learning the present progressive indicative tense («دارم کار میکنم» “I am working” and …).
– Review of the spoken form of the learned structures.
– Deepening the concept of family.
– Cooperation in the family.
27. Can you fix it? میتوانی درستش کنی؟
– Expressing being able or not being able to do something.
– Learning the verb «توانستن» “Can” in spoken and written forms.
– Learning the “bound object pronouns” concept.
– Changing the position of some sentence structures in the spoken form.
– Create context for learning the verb «باید» “should”.
28. What do you want to do? میخواهی چه کار کنی؟
– Learning the verb «خواستن» “to want”.
– Reviewing and practicing subjunctive moods.
– Reviewing related speech forms.
29. What should (s)he do? باید چه کار کند؟
– Learning the modal verb «باید» and reviewing obligatory subjunctive mood structures.
– Learning the different meanings of obligation, worthiness, and … in the modal verb «باید».
30. Let’s review (3) مرور کنیم! (۳)
– An overview of what has been taught from lesson 21 to lesson 29.
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